Being quite a net surfer I do enjoy stopping of at the odd chat room that I happen to come across on my journey around the World Wide Web, as this is not an uncommon thing to people on-line I tend to meet a lot of people from all around the world and from all walks of life. But in all the chat rooms I’ve been in whether it be in Yahoo-Chat, Lineone-Chat, Talk City or NBC-Chat all the Users are Windows PC Based “well that’s what they said anyway” some didn’t even know what a Mac was I mean come on, Mac’s and Mac users aren’t that far and few between are they? All I want is to meet a Mac User now and again, Someone else I can talk Mac to with out being shunned and laughed at, you know you just can’t talk about Mac’s to a PC user.
Only once have I ever persuaded a PC user that Mac’s might be better than PC’s by telling him about the new G3 Power Mac’s and the break neck speeds the CPU (Central Processing Unit) goes at, he was shocked and I left him in a state of confusion.
However what really took the biscuit was about two days ago I found a chat room called THE MAC HANGOUT at
Wow I thought finally a chat room for Mac Users but upon entering the so called Mac chat room I found that all the people in there were all windows users, not that I mind talking to windows users but why were there windows users in a Mac chat room, bitching about how much better windows was to the Mac OS. Well I’m sorry but this wasn’t on, not even a Mac chat room had Mac users in it. If anyone who has just bought a new iMac and wanting to go online and tell everyone how good it is won’t be able to, because they won’t be able to find anyone else who has a Mac to talk to.
In conclusion, “WHERE ARE ALL YOU MAC USERS?” is nowhere safe any more, isn’t there anywhere that Microsoft can’t get to, all I'm asking for is a chat room that all you Mac users hang out at and meet, talk, etc. If there is such a place please e-mail me and let me know the web page, as this has become a sort of obsession for me and I will not rest until my quest is complete.